Managing containment anxiety

4 idées pour gérer l'anxiété du confinement !

Cher lecteur, chère lectrice, nous nous retrouvons pour un nouvel article, qui portera lui aussi sur le confinement ! Qui dit quarantaine dit isolement, situation particulièrement anxiogène pour certains d’entre nous ! Comment surmonter ses angoisses, et comment rendre cette période moins difficile ? Nous avons un début de réponse…

Setting aside moments for yourself

Although it may seem obvious, the importance of entertainment is underestimated, especially when teleworking. However, this cultural interlude can take the form of a break between two hours of work, allowing you to recharge your batteries! A book, a yoga session, a podcast or baking a cake, the activities are varied and so are the pleasures.

Do not abuse social networks, and news channels!

While it is important to stay informed, it is easy to fall into a vicious circle of information. It is therefore important to know how to distinguish between the two, by consulting reputable media and avoiding watching live news for five hours at a time.

Continue to learn!

In the age of the internet, nothing could be easier! In addition to being useful, these cultural sessions will allow you to concentrate on one point, and forget your anxiety. Between webinars, online training courses and online cooking classes, it’s never too late to get started! You could find the perfect idea to create your website, or update your knowledge!

Have plans for after lockdown.

Whether they are personal, professional, for a month or a year from now, having projects feels good!

And you, how are you going to spend your first day as a deconfined person? The Hive5 has already got an idea…

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